Thank you for your patience during this time of transition
Community Assistance Council's Reintroduction to Jackson County
Our passion and commitment to the South Kansas City community is back and better than ever!
Important Changes to CAC
Our food pantry hours are Monday - Friday between 9am and 2pm. Some hours may vary. Please call 816.763.3277 ext 100 to schedule an appointment.
Emergency Assistance
For utility assistance, a payment has to be posted on your account in the last 30 days and a LIHEAP application needs to have been filled out. We are not assisting for the remainder of the month. Please check back next month.
For rent assistance, you have to be making income, only owe one month of rent and be experiencing a crisis. We are not assisting for the remainder of the month. Please check back next month.
To schedule an appointment with a Community Navigator to indicate interest in case management, click here.
We now offer case management in the following areas:
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
Maternal and Infant Care
Spanish case management services
Medical Vouchers - emergency dental, eye exam/glasses, prescription, durable medical equipment and hearing aids
Navigating Government Benefits (TANF, SNAP, LIHEAP, Medicaid/Medicare, SSI, SSDI and Section 8/Public Housing
Referrals for Employment/Education help
Empower Evenings and Family Case Management